Monday 17 August 2009

One of the many reasons.

I stumbled on Ringo's blog and thought of this.

Many of you have been asking me why my nickname is Mina. ( Sounds like a malay name )

So now I decided to tell you the very extremely long story, anyone who still asking me the reasons for my name should deserve a spanking. :x

A very long time ago, I found a Korean horror movie (I love em'), The Doll Master. It's a very nice show, one of my favorite horror movie I can say. And Mina was a very pretty doll/ghost that I love. *wink*. She was very shy and kind at first but when she got furious, she got a little scary.

Mina played by Lim Eun-kyeong (임은경).

You guys should watch, not very scary movie though. It's about the power of love that is so deep for a person that made you seek revenge even after a very long time.

Speaking of names, I think I should change Mina to Minako, sounds more Japanese now huh? I think it's better this way to avoid misunderstanding that I'm a malay, no offense though.

Meaning : Child of the beautiful Nara.

From Ringo's blog, She blogged about anagrams.

They said “All the life’s wisdom can be found in anagrams. Anagrams never lie.”

So I decided to anagramed my name to check the meaning of it since I was bored.

Eh.. Royalty (: Not that bad.

So do not come and messed up with me, I swear I will order my soldiers to lock you and your family members up. Skin you all alive and roll on salt, I'll be standing there enjoying the show.
(just kidding, not so cruel.) :p

Go HERE and check out your name.

Upcoming post: Sarah 25th Birthday, Bon odori.


0 sugarbites: